You probably know that your business could benefit from extra marketing and advertising. But you don’t have the time to handle it yourself, and you don’t want to spend thousands hiring someone to do it for you. So why not let Local Expert handle your marketing, while you focus on your services.
We engage local area marketing strategies across multiple platforms. So, when you become a Local Expert, you not only benefit from our reputation as a high-quality service provider. But you also benefit from our marketing and advertising campaigns. No more fussing over social media posts and website content. And no more wondering if you’re getting through to your customers.
As the owner of a small business, it’s important to be on top of your finances. That’s why at Local Expert, we utilise our platform and partnerships to help you manage and grow your cashflow.
As a Local Expert, you can keep track of money going into your business by utilising our advanced online platform for quotes, invoicing and automatic payments. For money going out, Local Experts benefit from our valuable industry partnerships. We’re proudly partnered with Snaffle for Business, to help you lease the latest equipment, and stay ahead of your competitors.
Sometimes it’s just impossible to stay ahead on tasks. And handling your business by putting out fires as they spring up, will only get you so far. Our innovative platform—which is exclusive to Local Expert, has been designed to reduce time spent on admin. So, you can focus on tasks that improve, and add value to your small business.
If you want to grow your small business, save time, and connect with more customers, apply to become a Local Expert today. Or contact us to learn more.
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