Preparing your home for an exterior paint job can be a significant undertaking, but the rewards are equally substantial. Not only can you save thousands of dollars, but you can also extend the lifespan of your siding and trim and increase your home’s value by restoring it to its original condition. Plus, keeping your paintwork in good repair hinders any permanent damage and larger costs in the future.
To assist you in completing both interior and exterior painting projects smoothly, we have compiled a comprehensive list of ways to prepare for an all-in-one residential painting prep routine that will make your painting job more manageable while also ensuring your satisfaction with the final results.
A full house inspection is the best place to start to assess the specific requirements of a paint job. Look for things like blemishes, bubbles, bumps, cracks, and other abnormalities on the painted surfaces. These inconsistencies can be a sign weather erosion, physical damage or aging paintwork. Knowing what repairs you have to make will indicate what materials you will need to buy to complete them.
Have you ever seen a bad paint job? Everywhere you look, the paint layer is peeling, peeling, or uneven. But what went wrong with such a straightforward painting project? This is often caused by a lack of surface preparation.
Repairing any damage is also crucial before painting, as paint with too many cracks or chips can degrade the appearance and longevity of your paint job. Simply applying new paint over damaged old paint will not provide a smooth finish, and the new project will crack and peel much faster than it would otherwise.
Surface preparation does take time but ignoring it can ruin the new paint coating. Cracks, holes, and other flaws are known to prevent the paint from adhering firmly to the surface and can easily look tatty in a short time. Surface preparation techniques differ depending on the type of surface, and even between the interior and exterior surfaces.
Below are just a few recommended steps from a Local Expert to prepare your surface:
Painting is a messy job, and paint can and will adhere to anything that isn’t covered! Surface masking is an important step in the interior and exterior paint preparation process. It cuts cleaning time significantly, saving hours of time afterwards scraping away paint stains.
Furthermore, masking allows you to paint all the way to the edge of the area to be painted without spilling paint on the opposite surface. When a drop of paint gets into the wrong place, any attempt to remove it without further staining the paint can be disastrous.
Some expert tips for masking are:
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