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How to Clean Your Oven Easily

Do you dread cleaning your oven? Does the thought of cheese dripping from a homemade pizza make your skin crawl? How about spitting and splattering roast chicken?

Here at Local Expert, we think you should enjoy your food without the clean-up fuss, so here’s our super easy oven cleaning guide.

How Often Should You Clean Your Oven?

There’s no hard and fast rule about how often you should clean your oven. However, it’s definitely best to clean up spills as they happen. By leaving grime sitting in your oven for days, weeks, or even months, you run the risk of baking it onto the inside of your oven. So, try to get in the habit of wiping up spills promptly.

How to Clean Your Oven

Now it’s time to clean! You’ll need baking soda, white vinegar, hot water, and laundry detergent (note; no expensive oven cleaner needed, you’re welcome).

Step One — Take Apart Your Oven

Take the metal racks out of your oven, and place them in your bathtub or laundry sink. Remove the oven door (yes, you can really do that!), and set it aside.

Step Two — Soak Your Oven

Mix a few cups of baking soda with a couple of tablespoons of water until a wet paste forms. Using either a pastry brush or your (gloved) fingers, cover the entire inside of your oven with the paste. Make sure to avoid the elements.

While the paste is working its magic, fill your bath or laundry sink with hot water and a sprinkle of laundry detergent, and submerge the racks. Let everything soak for a couple of hours, or overnight if you can.

Step Three — Wipe Your Oven

Take a damp sponge and wipe the inside of your oven, removing the baking soda paste. If you come up against any really baked on grime, use a plastic spatula scraper to remove it. Once the paste is mostly gone, spray some diluted white vinegar on every surface, and follow once again with a damp sponge.

Now, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I wouldn’t recommend using baking soda to scrub your oven door. Why? Well, baking soda is slightly abrasive, which is why it’s such a fantastic cleaner, but abrasive cleaners and expensive glass oven doors don’t always mix. So, steer clear if you really want to look after your oven. Instead, use your diluted vinegar mixture. Simply spray it on and wipe it off with paper towel. Easy-peasy.

By now, any fiddly dirt on your oven racks should have softened in the bath, so take your damp sponge and give those a once-over too. Now that everything is clean, go ahead and reassemble your oven. Congrats! With the help of some expert advice, you now know how to clean your oven easily, using only a handful of household items.

Speaking of experts… could you use a helping hand when it comes to cleaning? Our Local Expert cleaners are experienced, professional, and can handle all of your domestic cleaning needs (yes, even oven cleaning!).

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