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Buffalo Turf Winter Maintenance Tips

Buffalo turf has been a popular choice in Australia for yonks. And for good reason—Buffalo turf is hardy, long-lasting, and stays green for most of the year. But, to get the most out of your Buffalo turf this winter, you’ll need to keep your mind on the maintenance; here’s how.

Do Regularly Aerate

In the months leading up to winter, hot, dry conditions can cause the soil in your lawn to compact, which can lead to inadequate drainage. So, keep your turf healthy and avoid water-logged patches by aerating your soil regularly. Take a pitchfork and make small holes all through your lawn. Or, for the lazy (or efficient!) gardener, purchase a pair of spiky lawn aerating shoes. These new holes will help deliver moisture and nutrients to your turf, without drowning it in rainwater.

Do Properly Maintain

You won’t need to mow your Buffalo turf much during the colder months. But when you do take the mower out of the shed, take some time to adjust the height setting. Ideally, you want to mow your Buffalo turf to about 50mm in winter. Any higher and frost could easily damage your lawn. Any lower and your lawn might be too weak to survive the cooler temps.

Don’t Feed or Water

Many people make the mistake of feeding their Buffalo turf during winter. But the appropriate time to feed your turf is during autumn—in preparation for winter, and during spring—in time for the growing season.

Also, it’s best to avoid watering your Buffalo turf in winter. Your lawn just doesn’t need the excess hydration while it’s dormant. So, you might as well save on the water bill.

Do Let the Sun Shine

Buffalo turf handles shade pretty well. But excessive shade combined with frosty conditions could have dire consequences for your lawn. If possible, prune any shade-blocking trees, bushes, and shrubs to give your lawn a little more sun during winter.

Could you use some help maintaining your Buffalo turf? Here at Local Expert, our gardening and lawn mowing pros are experienced, qualified, and all work is backed by our Local Expert Service Guarantee.

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